About me

Ulrike Brand, born in 1959, musician

based on the experience of studying  music in Cologne and working as a church organist for almost twenty years my present way of teaching is mostly inspired by the following teachers and schools:

Voice Training Lichtenberger Methode

Gisela Rohmert has developed a way of understanding and teaching a natural and functional use of the voice that works energetically and is based on awareness. It is a very creative way of first stimulating sound energy, allowing it to unfold, learning to hear it and be consciously aware of its many-layered „body“.
This will result in a free and effortless sound whose energy will in a subtle way stimulate the synergy of body, breath, feeling and sound – freedom and healing.

photo: clearing – royal gardens sanssouci, potsdamBody-Mind Centering

Body-Mind Centering was developed by Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen. It is based on physiological and intuitive understanding of the interplay of body and mind and their integration through  imagination, touch and movement. BMC first opens awareness for the many-layered vibrations, rhythms, tones and tensions of the body and leads us to follow their movements. Every body system, every stage of infant development from the first cell in the womb  to the toddler who is getting ready to walk has its own quality and expression that we can make contact with.


Psychoenergetics according to Peter Schellenbaum regards all processes between therapist and client in the light of resonance. They are aware of their shared common energy while at the same time each stays centred in their own body.
To arrive at this resonance in the present moment we need to practice  so called „Spürbewusstsein“, a sensing-feeling-consciousness. This helps to bring consciousness from emotional blockades of the past or ungrounded fantasies into the future back into the body and into the present moment.
Only then are we here. Contact, resonance and healing are the natural result.


The CANTIENICA-method, developed by Benita Cantieni, works with awareness of and exercises for the network of spiraling connections in muscles, fascia and bones that give us vertical alignment and elasticity and lightness for our movements.

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